Murder By Skinwalker


Murder By Skinwalker


132 円 (税抜き)

While it is true, the small town of Anadarko, Oklahoma is located in the heart of Indian country, neither Isaac Silverhorn, Kiowa medicine man, nor Grady Ledbetter, his life-long friend, and Caddo County sheriff, ever expected to have to deal with a series of murders committed by a nefarious skinwalker; not in this day and age. When the death of a local rancher is the first of a series of fatal attacks by what seems to be a large, rouge, coyote, the need to solve the case qickly becomes paramount. The residual problem for Sheriff Ledbetter is, even if he can somehow apprehend this skinwalker, how will he ever be able to have the case prosecuted in a court of law.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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