The Grounds of an Opinion on the Policy of Restricting the Importation of Foreign Corn Navigating Trade Policies in Early 19th Century Economy


The Grounds of an Opinion on the Policy of Restricting the Importation of Foreign Corn Navigating Trade Policies in Early 19th Century Economy


310 円 (税抜き)

In 'The Grounds of an Opinion on the Policy of Restricting the Importation of Foreign Corn', Thomas Robert Malthus examines the impact of restricting the importation of foreign corn on the domestic economy during the early 19th century. Malthus explores the interconnectedness of population growth, food supply, and economic stability through a blend of statistical analysis and economic theory. The book is written in a clear and concise style, reflecting Malthus' background as an economist and demographer. This work contributed to the ongoing debate over the role of government intervention in regulating the economy, particularly in relation to agriculture and trade. Thomas Robert Malthus, a prominent economist and scholar, was known for his theories on population growth and resources. His work laid the foundation for modern demographic studies and was influential in shaping economic policy during his time. 'The Grounds of an Opinion on the Policy of Restricting the Importation of Foreign Corn' reflects Malthus' expertise in economic theory and his advocacy for sustainable economic practices. I highly recommend Malthus' book to readers interested in the intersection of economics, population dynamics, and government policy. 'The Grounds of an Opinion on the Policy of Restricting the Importation of Foreign Corn' provides valuable insights into the historical context of economic thought and remains relevant in understanding contemporary debates on trade and agriculture.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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