48 Powerful Meal Recipes That Will Help Control Your High Blood Pressure : A Natural Solution to Hypertension Without Pills or Medicine


48 Powerful Meal Recipes That Will Help Control Your High Blood Pressure : A Natural Solution to Hypertension Without Pills or Medicine


1,587 円 (税抜き)

Hypertension or high blood pressure, which many specialists call "the silent killer" is a very commonly spread condition. It may not be initially noticeable for a very long time but long term it leads to kidney disease, heart attacks, strokes, etc. Not to worry, this condition is very easily preventable and curable, in fact, it's all in your own hands and it's all about your diet. Recipes featured in this book consist of scientifically proven ingredients to lower your blood pressure like: beans, broccoli, buckwheat, red peppers, low fat dairy and, generally speaking, foods rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium. While your main might be to lower or prevent high blood pressure, some additional benefits of incorporating these low fat recipes into your diet may be: weight loss, digestive health improvement, and a major energy and positivity boost. This book presents all kinds of recipes with a variety of ingredients such as: vegetables, fruits, low fat dairy, nuts, grains and spices.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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easily noticeable attacks prevent improvement