Mythomania: A Psychodrama


Mythomania: A Psychodrama


648 円 (税抜き)

How can we lead sane lives in a world gone mad? How do we create a sane world when we are sick ourselves? Dr. Mangold interweaves politics, medicine, and psychology in a real-life account of how he was broken by forces fueled by fear and lies. This heart-felt and transparent account takes us on a personal journey into a world that is flying upside and on the verge of crashing soon. This true story recounts the struggles Dr. Mangold faced not only from an uncaring and unforgiving government but also from a wife whose own psycho-pathologies prevented her from performing the two tasks he needed so desperately during those struggles: love and support. It is more than an account of persecution and victimization. It is a story of falling and discovering that the rescue rope had been severed by those entrusted to throw it in the first place.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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