A Fathers Plight: A Memoir About the Adverisites of Fatherhood


A Fathers Plight: A Memoir About the Adverisites of Fatherhood


1,050 円 (税抜き)

The first of a three-book series about the journey of fatherhood and some of the things we face on said journey. While our stories may be different, our struggles and experiences may be the same. Us, as men and fathers, a lot of the time, we try to keep our emotions pinned up inside, not speaking on the things we go through. That needs to change, and so does the narrative when it comes to us as African American men and fathers or any father, for that matter, that may face the kinds of struggles discussed in this story. This book is meant to salute and commend all the fathers out there doing it, playing a vital part in the lives of their kids daily, and challenge the men out there that want to be better. Never lose sight of your children, despite whatever adversity, or curveball life may throw your way. You never know how you can affect the world by what you pour into them, time spent is crucial. Always remember, the richest moments have nothing to do with money or financial prominence, but from the life we live, and the deep-rooted knowledge we gain from those experiences whether good or bad. Embrace your life, live your truths, find your voice and watch negatives become positive. Life is about reflection, when you look in the mirror what is it that you see? Are you a better man than the ones who came before you? The ones that have taught you life lessons; positive or negative? As I sit and reflect on my life, I find that some of the most valuable lessons came from the losses, yes, Moral Victories. But again, it's all about how you perceive the loss. It's all up to you. Are you going to make excuses, when things don't go to the exact science you want, or are you willing to adapt, and adjust for the greater good of not only you, but for the others that may be closest to you? Sometimes sacrifice and compromise can be key to a fulfilling existence, but only you can decide that for yourself. For we only have one life to live. Grab it by the horns and own it. It's your story, unique because while others can say they have shared similar experiences, no one can ever say they've walked in your shoes. Again, while our struggles may be similar, our stories are not the same, everyone has their own. This is just mine, and if putting it out there to the world reaches one person and affects them positively, then I have succeeded. Our children should push us to dig deeper within ourselves, and reach higher to attain our goals.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FAMILY LIFE & COMICS
reflection succeeded losses matter shared