Kaivalya A Fire Within


Kaivalya A Fire Within


264 円 (税抜き)

You killed a nation to build your frivolous empire. You murdered your wife and orphaned countless children. You killed for a living and yet, you loved with a passion. You loved with passion and you hated with a fire bellowing inside you. You are yourself an orphaned child and a cheated husband. You are a mother who witnesses the killing of your own children. You have played all the roles. And more. Mansi Aryan unveils shocking truths about her past incarnations, as she journeys through the deserts and wild jungles of India. Bewildered and bombarded with visions from her past lives, she pieces together the bits. She starts to discover answers to the array of questions that she has asked. Every deceit and every pain that she has inflicted is recorded inside her, and she will reap what she has sown. The energy will be balanced. Somehow. But will she be able to stop the Karmic wheel that she has set in motion? Will she be able to find her way out of the web of her own making? Will she ever find the freedom that she is desperate for?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
cheated together making shocking desperate