Felices, Alegres Y Libres


Felices, Alegres Y Libres


1,486 円 (税抜き)

Esta colecci?n de relatos traducidos de la revista Grapevine nos confirma que, durante su recuperaci?n, los miembros de AA han aprendido a re?r y que el camino de la sobriedad puede ser divertido. A trav?s de relatos llenos de humor los miembros de AA comparten sus experiencias en sus inicios de la recuperaci?n, c?mo sobrellevaron eventos con bebidas alcoh?licas, y sus recuerdos de esas frases graciosas que dicen los padrinos y las madrinas, as? como las an?cdotas originadas en las llamadas de Paso Doce o las aventuras durante las fiestas English Description In this collection of stories from Grapevine, the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA members write about how they learned to laugh again. The first thing many AA members discover upon getting sober is often the last thing they expected: laughter. You may not realize that sobriety can be pretty darn amusing. This collection of stories from AA Grapevine is full of light and humorous tales told by AA membersーabout meetings, early mistakes, funny things sponsors say, navigating drinking events, holiday adventures and much more! Beyond lifting one’s mood and offering a sense of connection to the wider community of men and women in recovery, these contributions remind us to not take ourselves too seriously and to always strive to be “happy, joyous and free.”画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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