The Other Mothers Two Women's Journey to Find the Family That Was Always Theirs


The Other Mothers Two Women's Journey to Find the Family That Was Always Theirs


2,021 円 (税抜き)

An LGBTQ memoir about one couple's struggles to defy the patriarchy and redefine the nuclear family, The Other Mothers dives into the history and social challenges queer couples face when trying to make a family. Jenn Berney was one of those people who knew she was destined for motherhoodーit wasn't a question of if, but when. So when she and her wife Kelly decided to start building their family, they took the next logical step: they went to a fertility clinic. But they soon found themselves entrenched in a medical establishment that didn't know what to do with people like them. With no man factoring into their relationship, doctors were at best embarrassed and at worst disparaging of the couple. Soon Jenn found herself stepping outside of the system determined to disregard her. Looking into the history of fertility and the LGBTQ+ community, she saw echoes of her own struggle. For decades queer people have defied the patriarchy and redefined the nuclear familyーand Jenn was walking in their footsteps. Through the ups-and-downs of her own journey, Jenn reflects on a turbulent past that has led her to this point and a bright future worth fighting for. With clarity, determination, and hope, The Other Mothers gives us a wonderful glimpse into the many ways we can become family.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
building fighting history Berney fertility