Cosmic Talk Show Channeled Messages From Angels & Spirit


Cosmic Talk Show Channeled Messages From Angels & Spirit


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Raymond A. Zachary is a retired Software Manager who began his career as a recently graduated mathematician at Boeing in 1958, and finished with 22 years at Lockheed's Western Development Labs in 2000 with intermediate tours at Texas Instruments and Sylvania. He was an adjunct math professor at Sacramento City College in the early years following his retirement. Cheryl E. Booth is an author, screenwriter, and has worked as a psychic medium for over 35 years. She is also a hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist, grief counselor and life coach. When these two met in 2013 by phone, the initial purpose was for Ray to receive a reading from Cheryl. His wife and soulmate of 22 years (Sharon) had recently passed away. Shortly thereafter, Cheryl did a reading for a client named Erin, who unbeknownst to Cheryl at the time, had purchased Ray and Sharon's former home in Elk Grove, California. During that reading, Sharon came through very clearly from Spirit, giving Erin messages that made sense, but confused her. You see, Erin had never met Sharon. She bought the house from Ray after Sharon had moved on to Heaven. So at first, she had no clue who Sharon was, other than she identified that was her name VERY clearly. As the reading went on, Sharon began giving particular references to improvements and updates that Erin had made to the house. At that point Erin suddenly stopped the reading saying, "Oh, wow! Sharon is the wife of the man I bought my house from! I never met her, but now it makes perfect sense why she knows so much about my house. It was hers, first!" Erin kindly went on to get in touch with Ray and let him know that Sharon had proven herself to be a powerful, clear communicator from the other side. During a second reading for Erin a few months later, Sharon came through again. This time when Erin contacted Ray, he decided to book his own appointment. And things evolved from there! With Ray's scientific left-brain logical background, somewhere around the third year into his and Cheryl's connection, he asked if it would be all right to pose some questions to the Angels and any other Heavenly Sources that might want to answer them. Things of a more quantum and universal nature. Cheryl was happy to be the conduit for that, but soon realized that the answers were flowing more rapidly and easily than she could possibly answer on her own. They soon got the download from the angels that the message they were being given were not just for them personally, but to be converted into a book and shared with the world. Cheryl and Ray consider themselves messengers and present this material to seekers of unconventional answers about things of a spiritual nature, as well as topics including mediumship, Angels, aliens, ancient history and future possibilities for the Earth plane and the Universe.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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