Ten flash fiction tales that surfaced in the feverish dream of Covid-19 on Planet Earth. Enjoy! Gary J Byrnes, January 2021. The stories: Signals That day we brought Walt Disney's head back to life Abe Inspiration The Meaning of Life How the zombie apocalypse happened Chatbots Factory ship The hero Signals, excerpt At first, the signal was faint and incoherent. It manifested as a different kind of static, picked up by certain empty comms channels. The normal static is the background noise of the Big Bang, echoing across time and space. This had a different shape, a different tone. Some noticed the difference, thought That’s odd. Most didn’t pick up on the ‘alien static’, as it came to be called, until it was pointed out to them. With much of the planet’s inhabitants soon fixated on the alien static, it quickly became clear that there was a multitude of different signals. Then some scientist figured it out and the signals came into instant, sharp focus. The images were monochrome, clearly from a different world. They looked like us, which was the big revelation. They spoke a language that made no sense. The world they lived in seemed very undeveloped. The alien tv receivers hit the market in no time and soon every home had one... Grab Lockdown Dreams now and see what happens next!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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