The Business-Minded Creative How to live a fulfilling creative life and make money.


The Business-Minded Creative How to live a fulfilling creative life and make money.


807 円 (税抜き)

Can you have a fulfilling creative life AND make money? Not only that. Those two are inseparable. Creativity and business are two ends of the same stick. Only if a business is creative and if art is profitable, can you live a truly fulfilled artistic life. To walk this balance, you must face misconceptions and establish creative daily practices that together will get you where you want to be: serving your tribe, expressing your unique creativity, and making a good income. Part 1 unveils why many artists are depressed, stressed out, and struggle to make ends meet, and offers a solutionーa radical change of both your mind AND your day. Part 2 dives deep into creativity, teaching you how to find your sweet spot, narrow down your passion and establish a daily practice by tricking your brain. In Part 3, you’ll learn the two ways of how to merge creativity with business, make it part of your daily practice and write a creative business plan. Part 4 shows the three pillars your creative business absolutely needs to make it in the long-term. Each section contains examples from my own experiences and examples from well-known artists and creatives, challenging you to throw misconceptions overboard and accept the call to an adventurous and rewarding creative life. I’m Diana Wink and I’m a full-time author, filmmaker, photographer and blogger. In this book, I’ll guide you through the questions, uncertainties and problems I had to face over the years and saw other creatives face, and offer you solutions that are long-lasting and profound. Solutions that work and will take your artistic life to the next level.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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