Yes! Chronically-Ill Individuals Can Flourish


Yes! Chronically-Ill Individuals Can Flourish


527 円 (税抜き)

As I argue in this e-book, having a chronic illness need not mean that your life is over unless you allow it to be. Your destiny is in the palms of your hands, whether you are chronically ill. You can do what you’d like with small tweaks. Yes, you have a few more limitations now than you did when you were younger. But you can still do a lot. You just must open yourself up to new people and opportunities by changing your perspective from a constricting and challenging one to a positive and hopeful one. I hope to encourage you to flourish and create a meaningful life, despite living with a chronic condition. The good news is that you don’t have to live a limited and unfulfilled life. You can soar above your pain and fatigue to become a fulfilled person who lives a meaningful life. You can feel more positive when you get out of bed every morning by shifting your focus and living the life you always wanted to live. Your destiny starts now. So, decide that you won’t succumb to living a minimal life. Decide that you will live your life fully, regardless of your disabilities. You can do this by following the steps in this e-book. Remember, your life doesn’t have to end when you become chronically ill. Typically, living with a chronic illness is not deadly. So seize the day. Take control of your illness and especially your negative thoughts and emotions. Enjoy your life because, my dear friends, your destiny is in the palms of your own hands. Rejoice and be glad! This is how you live a flourishing life.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BUSINESS & SELF-CULTURE
always Rejoice control positive negative