The Old Soul's Guidebook Who You Are, Why You're Here, & How to Navigate Life on Earth


The Old Soul's Guidebook Who You Are, Why You're Here, & How to Navigate Life on Earth


1,372 円 (税抜き)

Everything you areーyour personality, beliefs, aspirations, talents and fearsーis the result of your soul’s many incarnations. To help you tap into this wealth of past-life experience and dramatically increase your potential for success in this lifetime, past-life psychic and author Ainslie MacLeod offers THE OLD SOUL'S GUIDEBOOK: Who You Are, Why You're Here, and How to Navigate Life on Earth. Building on his award-winning books THE INSTRUCTION and THE TRANSFORMATION, Ainslie delivers unique insights and exercises to help you:
● Understand why your destiny is so much more obvious than you think
● Identify past-life sources of present-life issues like low self-esteem, unexplained ailments, and irrational fears
● Escape the victimization trap through self-empowerment “Past lives explain everything,” shares Ainslie. “Without knowing where you’ve been, you can never truly know where you’re going. Understanding your soul’s journey is the key to living a happier and more fulfilling life.”画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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-esteem shares >Everything Ainslie fearsーis