Pre-Release Marketing Checklist The Self-Publishing Checklist Series


Pre-Release Marketing Checklist The Self-Publishing Checklist Series


350 円 (税抜き)

Each book in the The Self-Publishing Checklist Series covers one task, one process, or one element of self-publishing. It is organized in an easy to use, easy to read format so authors get stuff done! This guide includes: - Materials and Assets Needed for Pre-Release Marketing - Understanding the WHY behind the HOW of Pre-Release Marketing - Printable/Downloadable Pre-Release Marketing Checklist About The Self-Publishing Checklist Series The Self-Publishing Checklist Series is a collection of how-to guides designed to help authors master and complete tasks as fast and efficiently as possible. Each book targets a single element of the self-publishing business with printable/downloadable checklists, definitions/explanations, and practical advice and tips. Benefits for New and Established Authors New authors will appreciate the comprehensive checklists and detailed explanations, so they more efficiently and professionally self-publish, while understanding the WHY behind the HOW of each element. Established authors will find value in having processes organized and streamlined into step-by-step outlines while each checklist ensures not a single vital step in the process is overlooked. The Self-Publishing Checklist Series Creator Maria Connor, founder and owner of My Author Concierge, has more than twenty years' experience in the publishing industry, multiple credits and awards as a hybrid published author, and ten years' experience as project manager for New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors. Whether coaching, consulting, presenting, or publishing resources for authors, she offers practical, insightful, creative tips and strategies so authors optimize time, money, and energy.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BUSINESS & SELF-CULTURE
element founder -Release bestselling creative