Bible Code Statistics: Rush, Hudson, Limbaugh, "The Third", January 12, 1951, February 17, 2021, Medal, Freedom, Political, Author, Conservative, Radio, Hall, Fame, Kathryn, Heroic, Legacy, and More!


Bible Code Statistics: Rush, Hudson, Limbaugh, "The Third", January 12, 1951, February 17, 2021, Medal, Freedom, Political, Author, Conservative, Radio, Hall, Fame, Kathryn, Heroic, Legacy, and More!


670 円 (税抜き)

This fascinating book outlines words used in a matrix which have the statistical probability of occurring randomly less than 1 chance in 46 Billion! The book, "Bible Code Statistics: Rush, Hudson, Limbaugh, "The Third", January 12, 1951, February 17, 2021, Medal, Freedom, Political, Author, Conservative, Radio, Hall, Fame, Kathryn, Heroic, Legacy, and More!" is D. Patrick Bickerdike's new release intended to honor the life and accomplishments of this conservative radio host. Read Bickerdike's commentary to see how these words which have been hidden within the Hebrew texts for thousands of years relate to today's current events. Don Bickerdike points out interesting insights about what was discovered in the scriptures. Whether or not you believe in the Bible Code, Torah Code, or ELS, this book is sure to intrigue you. For the serious Bible Code researcher, you can add your own keywords into this matrix. For those who only see the Bible Code as entertainment, this book offers you a great conversation ice-breaker into the world of politics.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Author Conservative points release researcher