HOW TO DISCOVER AND FULFILL YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE A Teenager’s Guide to Finding God’s Purpose and Direction in Life


HOW TO DISCOVER AND FULFILL YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE A Teenager’s Guide to Finding God’s Purpose and Direction in Life


645 円 (税抜き)

Discover How To Fulfill Your Life's Purpose Without Confusion God created you with a specific purpose in mind. You are not a mistake in the world. Your life was not brought into the world by mere chance. You have a specific role to play while on earth. God doesn’t waste. He does not expend His time and energy on something meaningless. He puts His best into whatever He does or plans to do. As the crown of God’s creation, you were created with a definite purpose in His mind. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you ask yourself, “What was I created to do? Am I doing it?” This book is an introductory guidepost to help you understand what you were created to accomplish on earth. It is an excerpt from the main book, FULFILL YOUR MANDATE ? Making Your Existence Count! In the main book, and in parts of this book, you will find clear-cut answers to the questions, What is God’s purpose for my life? How do I know or discover my God-given purpose? How can I fulfill God’s purpose for my life? Now, your purpose won’t remain a mystery any longer. By taking the time to study each chapter of this book, you will be able to develop a closer relationship with your Creator that’ll help you discover and fulfill what He has created you to do.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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