The Rabbit and The Fox. A Short Story About Keeping the Right Perspective in the Face of Hostility. For Victims and Villains.


The Rabbit and The Fox. A Short Story About Keeping the Right Perspective in the Face of Hostility. For Victims and Villains.


1,084 円 (税抜き)

Is there a log in your eye? Both victims and villains struggle to see clearly in difficult situations, let alone being able to see anything constructive or positive in them. Yet, a famous saying tells us that we must take the log out of our own eye to see clearly before we can take the speck out of another’s eye. Typically, this log refers to our biases and misconceptions. However, in this moral story, we follow the fictional tale of the rabbit and the fox living in the mythical Enigma forest. The rabbit, Twee’s quest for a greater sense of purpose leads her to unexpectedly cross paths with a mysterious fox who is unknowingly on a journey of his own. The unravelling of their intertwining paths allows us to explore how depending on the side of the fence we are sitting on, the log in our eye, can be our own actions or inactions, or in fact, those of others. A lesson beneficial for the outsider looking in, but for those on the receiving end of such actions or inactions, the consequences can be quite painfully unforgettable as Twee finds out. A reminder to us all that not all pain is physical. What will Twee’s perspective be? Whether it is online social media trolling, bullying, harassment or other difficulties, this story is filled with practical tips and guidance to help victims and villains navigate difficult situations.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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