Behind the Glass Door


Behind the Glass Door


1,098 円 (税抜き)

Behind the Glass Door is a woven tale of intrigue, mystery, betrayal, and murder. John and Samantha Stone lived a privileged lifestyle in the suburbs of Westport, Connecticut. He a tall handsome man of great success in his profession was the fancy of many women. Yet, years of demanding hard work and his need to fulfill his sadistic sexual desires changed him, as if demons took charge of his greedy soul. Samantha, John's loving wife of twenty-four years was a beauty and sensitive woman, the mother of twins. She possessed extrasensory perception and the ability to see beyond reality. Controlled, as if bound by chains, she was unable to make her own decisions, confined by the husband she trusted. Sam, soon realized her fate was not her own but rested at the mercy of her husband's insanity and those who seek her destruction.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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changed fulfill profession trusted Connecticut