What Color Is Your Parachute? 2022 Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success


What Color Is Your Parachute? 2022 Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success


728 円 (税抜き)

**With timeless advice, up-to-the-minute insights, and more than ten million copies sold over fifty years, the world’s most popular and best-selling career guide is fully revised and expanded for 2022. “One of the first job-hunting books on the market. It is still arguably the best. And it is indisputably the most popular.”ーFast Company** What Color Is Your Parachute? is the world’s most popular job-hunting guide. This completely updated edition features the latest resources, strategies, and perspectives on today’s job market, revealing surprising advice on what worksーand what doesn’tーso you can focus your efforts on tactics that yield results. At its core is Richard N. Bolles’s famed Flower Exercise, a unique self-inventory that helps you design your careerーand your lifeーaround your key passions, transferable skills, traits, and more. This practical manual also provides essential tips for writing impressive resumes and cover letters, networking effectively, interviewing with confidence, and negotiating the best salary possible. Whether you’re searching for your first job, were recently laid off, or are dreaming of a career change, What Color Is Your Parachute? will guide you toward a fulfilling and prosperous life’s work.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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letters impressive lifeーaround expanded tactics