The Quokkas, the Snails, and the Land of Happiness


The Quokkas, the Snails, and the Land of Happiness


1,938 円 (税抜き)

Two quokkas, two snails, one strawberry patch . . . Suzy and Sam Snail live in the Land of Sadness, constantly working hard to feel loved. But their gloomy lives just might change when they meet two friendly quokkas who tell them all about the Creator and what life is like in the Land of Happiness. Will the Snails remain sad and empty? Or will they eagerly journey to a new land where grace, joy, and contentment grow instead? Join these four quirky friends in the strawberry patch, and let this parable-style story offer your family a powerful conversation starter and a celebration of God’s gift of grace.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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snails working parable quokkas journey