Clan of the Ancient Minds (Book Two of The Nebril Riverland Chronicles)


Clan of the Ancient Minds (Book Two of The Nebril Riverland Chronicles)


468 円 (税抜き)

My life has certainly changed since I left home. I have almost drowned, flown on the back of a man-bat, and been paralyzed by an Orlog. And now, we have learned a ghastly secret linking these dark creatures with Nebril City. Only the Guardians can put an end to the spiritual corruption that threatens our home. But unfortunately, most of them have mysteriously disappeared, and those of us that are left, are hunted down for reasons unknown. And now we must wait in the Beyjerones caves until our army amasses before making the journey to Mernwick’s prison to find my bei clu va. The Beyjerone soldiers, the Varsak giants, and the other warriors of the Twelve Clans will make a strong fighting force, but I fear they may not stand a chance against the massive military of Nebril City. I’m also worried about Ashel. He has been severely weakened by the effects of the black bei and is being tempted by the voice of a powerful foe. His feelings for me are becoming obvious as well, but I have a duty. There’s a man out there who holds the other half of my soul, a man to whom I am profoundly drawn, a man who must be by my side if we are to save the Riverlands. But how can I choose someone I’ve never met over a lifelong friend? Clan of the Ancient Minds is the second book of The Nebril Riverland Chronicles, an ongoing young-adult fantasy series. Book Three is due for release in the summer of 2024.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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severely against changed profoundly fighting