The Adventures of Park Ranger Brock Cliffhanger & His Jr. Park Rangers: Mountain Rescue: Preserving Our Great Smoky Mountains National Park


The Adventures of Park Ranger Brock Cliffhanger & His Jr. Park Rangers: Mountain Rescue: Preserving Our Great Smoky Mountains National Park


1,130 円 (税抜き)

Book 2 in The Adventures of Park Ranger Brock Cliffhanger Series. Brock Cliffhanger is a living legend as a park ranger, dedicated and with a servant's heart. He focuses on the teaching and caring for others while preserving our national and state parks. His adventures are the stories that expand on his legacy. His greatest joy has been the development of the Jr. Park Ranger team, and each individual Jr. Park Ranger. To be a park ranger, you must put the safety of others at the forefront. You must be empathetic, smart, a leader, yet humble, with the vision of preserving our great national and state parks. Brock teaches that great leaders pay it forward and he exhibits that daily. Please enjoy and take your children along for the adventure.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BOOKS FOR KIDS
humble leaders Adventures development others