The Polyvagal Theory Discovering the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve to Overcome Anxiety, Trauma, Depression, PTSD, Autism and Emotional Stress


The Polyvagal Theory Discovering the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve to Overcome Anxiety, Trauma, Depression, PTSD, Autism and Emotional Stress


1,067 円 (税抜き)

Unlock the Secrets of the Vagal Nerve and Find a Perfect Solution for Healing Anxiety, Trauma, Depression, PTSD, Autism, and Emotional Stress. Would you like to: Finally understand the polyvagal theory in simple terms? Optimize your therapeutic methods with new knowledge? Find practical and applicable techniques to help your clients? Yes? Then this book is perfect for you! The vagus nerve touches upon almost every organ in the body. It operates on instinct, without our involvement. It’s an intricate system that governs the most primal emotions and physical reactions. That’s why polyvagal theory is so important for anyone who wants to heal both the mind and the body. With this book, you will learn how the polyvagal theory leverages neurobiology and psychophysiological signs. You will enhance your ability to treat trauma, anxiety, addiction, depression, and a host of other mental health issues. You will get practical guidance on the therapeutic influence of facial expression, eye contact, and voice modulation. This theory will help you strengthen any therapeutic strategy and achieve lasting clinical results. Here’s what you’ll learn in the course of this book: Realistic methods of applying polyvagal theory within the 10 clinical settings to support clients of all ages How to use immersive presentations, in-session recordings, and engaging discussions to deliver comprehensive care and therapy Validated techniques and efficient interventions that create client safety, connectedness, and conditions for an effective healing process How the polyvagal relates to emotions and how emotional regulation works in concert with body awareness and physiological signals The effects of acute and chronic stress, how traumatic experiences affect the nervous system, and how to heal PTSD Yoga poses and different techniques to stimulate the vagal nerve to promote wellness, healing, and healthy emotional reactions Whether you’re a therapist or a person looking to find a comprehensive path to healing, this book will give you a comprehensive and practical overview of the polyvagal theory and its benefits!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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awareness Trauma contact stimulate effective