Prehab Before Postpartum A Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Guide For a Happier Postpartum


Prehab Before Postpartum A Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Guide For a Happier Postpartum


410 円 (税抜き)

Prehab Before Postpartum: A Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Guide for a Happier Postpartum prepares parents for the “fourth trimester”ーthe first three months after delivery, when the commonly experienced but rarely discussed postpartum depression and anxiety arrives. Combining personal experiences and clinical knowledge, Dr. Raushanah Hud-Aleem, a double board-certified adult, child, and adolescent psychiatrist, helps mothers and fathers (as paternal postpartum is a real thing) remove the everything-is-okay mask. She helps them identify how they truly feel, what they really want, and know when professional help is needed. More importantly, you’ll gain prehabilitation and recovery tools so that you can more effectively cope with internal and external daily stressors and shrug off the stigma around mental health. By preparing ourselves, we can reduce the severity of postpartum depression and anxiety, or prevent it altogether. The goal is to plan so that you won’t forget about caring for you, and this book helps you do just that.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Anxiety -Aleem effectively forget prevent