A Clear Understanding of the Unthinkable: What Those Who Died by Suicide Want You to Know


A Clear Understanding of the Unthinkable: What Those Who Died by Suicide Want You to Know


1,088 円 (税抜き)

"Compelling read. This book has the potential to be life changing for those who experience the trauma of losing someone to suicide." --Dr. Molly Wright, MD Nationally renowned intuitives Kristine Kieland and Mary M. Bauer conduct eye-opening afterlife interviews with those who died by suicide. What follows is a thought-provoking narrative into ten individuals' reasons for their suicides, what happened to them afterward, and what they want humanity to know. A Clear Understanding of the Unthinkable is one of the most compelling, hopeful messages for our time on this devastating subject. "I couldn't put the book down. I felt so much hope. Would recommend to anyone who wants to know what happens at the time of death and afterward. Information especially helpful for parents and teachers." --Ann, father died by suicide "Groundbreaking. Significant for those working crisis lines, psych, nurses, those who were providing care to the person who chose suicide, and those working with families after the event. I want my staff to read this." --Denise Plourde, Certified Death Doula and Hospice Director画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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hopeful Significant working suicide happens