YOU WERE MINE FOR A TIME Four Hot, Steamy short stories to tempt your senses.


YOU WERE MINE FOR A TIME Four Hot, Steamy short stories to tempt your senses.


360 円 (税抜き)

These four short erotic stories entice grownup ladies into sexual maturation and consciousness about the inner workings of themselves: Dr. Kevin, No Name, A New Kind of Love, and Hot Stuff . The stories reflect the realities of the wild phases of womanhood and the unforeseen twists and turns that break hearts only to strengthen them. Moreover, these love-and-lust-combined stories may help readers discover their sexual limits through the wildest fantasies ever conceived. Have your fill of intense sensual desire and explore the fantasies that you have yet to unlock by flipping through Katie Santee’s magnetic work You Were Mine for a Time -- now available on Amazon.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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magnetic limits grownup entice hearts