Hyper Dealings: The Dragoness' Cam Show Fetish


Hyper Dealings: The Dragoness' Cam Show Fetish


323 円 (税抜き)

Isla is an out and proud dragoness - but not because she's a dragon, of course. No, no, no, that's pretty normal, in fact, anthro dragons mingling with humans, society accepting all as they are. That is all well and fine but her problem in finding employment and carving out a life for herself lies in her rather large assets. Although she is comfortable being referred to as female, Isla has something thick and juicy between her legs, her breasts rising hugely too and rounding out to denote her as more than a normal lady dragoness. No, she is a hermaphrodite, mingling with the best of both worlds, her hyper assets swollen and full, leading the way at all times. They are impossible to miss, even with magical underwear to strap them down and conceal them, but just why would she go to all that trouble when there are so many watchers of her cam show that want to see her bare it all? When a reporter comes to do an article on her for an adult news site though, Isla spots a devious opportunity to get herself a kinky litle play partner, teasing him into some fun right there, live on the show... And... Action!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
worlds underwear pretty dragon problem