On Bended Knees


On Bended Knees


532 円 (税抜き)

"On Bended Knees" is a must-read novel that reminds us of the importance of facing our past to move forward in life. This book tells the story of Jason, who lives with his wife and his son. He also has a son who he's never met before. When Jason's past catches up with him, he's put in a position of bended knees. Will he be able to get up? For years, Jason has been living the life of a Christian. He's a man of great faith, character, and spirit. As the story progresses, his life takes an unexpected turn and Jason must go back to the man he used to be. As he embarks on an unforeseen journey, he must remain strong and keep his faith as he faces new obstacles and adversity. This is an unforgettable book about spirituality, faith, and personal growth that readers of fiction will love.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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obstacles position character growth before