God, Man, and the Universe Mental Metamorphism


God, Man, and the Universe Mental Metamorphism


548 円 (税抜き)

“The angel is free because of his knowledge, the beast because of ignorance. Between the two remains the son of man to struggle.” ーRumi A no-nonsense approach in fathoming God, man, and the universe, a genesis relates to the existence, just a drop in an ocean in true wisdom for grasping the awesome power of the Creator. It is a jaw-dropping experience that ought to attract one to permeate the gist of the philosophical why and the scientific realization of how and what is sought beyond ordinary. Probing into consciousness, to prominent existence, mind, soul, and matter, faith, virtue, morality, spirituality, inspiring self-belief and igniting human excellence; rebuffing ideologically dogmatic notions where lack of inference is challenged and no wit-oriented remarks are questioned. To incite the sagacity of thoughts in search of truth, cultivating a deity where mendacity and hubris fail. A colossal shift from the traditionally ambiguous views as superfluous (nonessential) references is often the norm as minds of reason insightfully question all bogus claims; live the essence, awaken the God within you, let the demons lay eternally at rest, and question yourself. Should it not be the human’s will to conquer the ill notions? If not so, call man a beast that should solely live by instinct. “My humanity is a constant self-overcoming.” Frederick Nietzsche画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
ambiguous rebuffing matter mendacity inspiring