Ortega Night A Phil & Paula Oxnard Mystery


Ortega Night A Phil & Paula Oxnard Mystery


410 円 (税抜き)

Newly retired Phil Oxnard's fear of boredom in retirement galvanizes him to investigate the death of George Moss, a neighbor killed in a presumed automobile accident. Phil's investigation takes him from his home in San Juan Capistrano to Las Vegas, the San Fernando Valley, and Palm Springs. In the process, he follows the trails of a number of suspects including Moss' bitter former business associate, his two sons, his brother, a greedy real estate agent, and a crooked stockbroker. Before solving the mystery of George Moss' death, with the reluctant assistance of his wife Paula, Phil finds himself in more than one dangerous situation. Boredom is no longer a problem. Survival becomes his goal.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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brother longer dangerous problem neighbor