Adam Baron 2-Book Collection, Volume 1: Boy Underwater, You Won’t Believe This


Adam Baron 2-Book Collection, Volume 1: Boy Underwater, You Won’t Believe This


1,573 円 (税抜き)

BOY UNDERWATER WAS SHORTLISTED FOR THE CARNEGIE AWARD, AND SELECTED AS WATERSTONES BOOK OF THE MONTH. BOY UNDERWATER Cymbeline Igloo (yes, really!) has NEVER been swimming Not ever. Not once. But how hard can it be? He’s Googled front crawl and he’s found his dad’s old pair of trunks. He’s totally ready. What he’s not ready for is the accident at the pool ? or how it leads his mum to a sudden breakdown. Now, with the help of friends old and new, Cymbeline must solve the mystery of why his mum never took him near water ? and it will turn his whole life upside down… ‘A wonderful story, moving and funny’ ? Ross Welford YOU WON’T BELIEVE THIS Here’s something you won’t believe: someone is doing TERRIBLE things to Mrs Martin, Cymbeline Igloo’s favourite teacher of all time. Cymbeline has to find the culprit (after he’s learned what ‘culprit’ means). He’s also got to help his friend Veronique, whose grandma is dangerously ill. It seems Nanai has a secret, connected to her arrival in the UK as a Boat Person from Vietnam, a traumatic journey in which she lost her twin sister. Can Cymbeline figure out the mystery in time? One thing is for sure: even the most unexpected people can change your life in wonderful ways… YOU WON’T BELIEVE THIS Here’s something you won’t believe: someone is doing TERRIBLE things to Mrs Martin, Cymbeline Igloo’s favourite teacher of all time. Cymbeline has to find the culprit (after he’s learned what ‘culprit’ means). He’s also got to help his friend Veronique, whose grandma is dangerously ill. It seems Nanai has a secret, connected to her arrival in the UK as a Boat Person from Vietnam, a traumatic journey in which she lost her twin sister. Can Cymbeline figure out the mystery in time? One thing is for sure: even the most unexpected people can change your life in wonderful ways . . .画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BOOKS FOR KIDS
Cymbeline CARNEGIE dangerously UNDERWATER someone