The Unnamed Zookeeper explores the lives of Bible Characters from some of the most loved to the ones who are little known. Looking at their stories from their viewpoint and seeing them in a new way. A way that will show you the true character of God. A God who has a plan for you and loves you enough to help you find the way. Jennie brings each person forward from the Bible sharing things that you may never have seen before. See things about the characters that you have never thought of and things about God that will change your perspective. And even one chapter could change the direction of your life. That is the power of the Unnamed Zookeeper. It will take you to a place where you will not look at the person or the Bible passage in the same way again. So do yourself a favor and not only read this book but take time with each story to encounter yourself and God in a new way.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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