It is within the culture of citizens of Caribbean Islands to consume seafood. It is this culture that has led to wide diversification of seafood types and dishes. Our roadside and community ‘Fish Fry’ events are a staple event for several Caribbean Islands for our locals. Whether it's flying fish and mahi mahi grilling at Oistens in Barbados, Gros Islet Friday Night Street Party in St. Lucia, Gouyave in Grenada, steam fish in Port Royal, Jamaica, curry crab, callaloo and dumplings in Store Bay, Tobago or Bake and Shark in Maracas Beach, Trinidad, these islands have seafood consumption embedded within their souls. This has now become a spatial and temporal landmark on several tourism guides, which indicate days and times these ‘Fish Fry’ events occur.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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