Black Men and Intimacy - Voices From Across the Diaspora


Black Men and Intimacy - Voices From Across the Diaspora


960 円 (税抜き)

There are countless books on men and relationships that analyze and interpret men's feelings about intimacy from a clinical or therapeutic approach. However, there are few books that actually highlight Black men's points of view on intimacy in a raw, impactful and inspiring way. Black Men and Intimacy - Voices From Across the Diaspora explores the complexities of relationships through the minds of men who give real, no-holds-barred answers to the questions all women want to ask about love, relationships, communication, sex, intimacy, and much more. Black Men and Intimacy - Voices From Across the Diaspora is not a theoretical analysis of Black men overall, nor is it written to stereotype or categorize Black men. This book is a compilation of personal one-on-one interviews with Black men sharing their opinions based on their own life experiences. Black Men and Intimacy; Voices From Across the Diaspora was written for Black women who truly desire to understand Black men better; Black men who are looking to find their voice of self expression; Parents raising Black boys; Moderators discussing Black men; Ministers, marriage counselors, therapists and people in other areas of social service that council Black men; Book Clubs who want to discuss Black men and relationships; Couples wanting to create/build more intimacy in their relationships; Any woman married to or dating a Black man.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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