The Curious Antipodean The Journal of a family side-tracked halfway between the Pacific Ocean and the Canadian Rockies. The highs and lows, adventures and realisations of living on the other side of the planet.


The Curious Antipodean The Journal of a family side-tracked halfway between the Pacific Ocean and the Canadian Rockies. The highs and lows, adventures and realisations of living on the other side of the planet.


636 円 (税抜き)

A family seeking an adventure and a change up from their ordinary work life took up a teacher exchange. Swapping jobs, home and everything that goes with it. Essentially, they engaged in a sociology experiment wrapped in an adventure. Simultaneously the participant and observer. Transplanted from laid back tropical northern Australia on the doorstep of the reef and rainforest to a land of snow and ice, pristine lakes, amazing wildlife and mountains that reach to the sky. This is a Journal of an Australian family sidetracked for 365 days halfway between the Pacific Ocean and the Canadian Rockies. A snapshot of life lead by curiosity, a special and out of the ordinary experience. An insight into the joys, frustrations and realisations of life on the other side of our planet and the human condition. A story of personal growth while navigating a culture that was surprisingly very different from home. No longer simply fair-weather travellers they experienced a destination through all its seasons and had the chance to look at some of the history, traditions and quirks of another nation.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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longer traditions history Canadian observer