Planning by Futuring, Futuring as Planning Using Your Futures Mindset to Develop Social Media Policy


Planning by Futuring, Futuring as Planning Using Your Futures Mindset to Develop Social Media Policy


3,842 円 (税抜き)

Developing effective policy for the use of social media in schools is at once challenging and equally necessary. For one thing its use pervades our society in ways few could have futured for. For another, its presence, its potential, its pitfalls, require a collective leadership to use the right kinds of processes to properly create and sustain. Planning by Futuring; Futuring as Planning: Using Your Futures Mindset to Develop Social Media Policy in Schools, provides practicing educational leaders and those who aspire to be administrators with all of the tools necessary to engage their stakeholders in co-creating policy guidelines that will assure successful implementation. More importantly, its case study style enables readers to discern the necessary themes, theory and concepts that nurture futures - based mindsets. These mindsets-dispositions-skills will enable leaders to anticipate and plan for any emerging future that may come their way. And most importantly their mastery will co-empower collective leaders to create futures that are preferred instead of imposed.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FAMILY LIFE & COMICS
necessary anticipate nurture concepts -skills