The restoration and the anastylosis of the Macedonian tomb of Macridy Bey near Thessaloniki Published in Opus 1/2017. Quaderno di storia architettura restauro disegno


The restoration and the anastylosis of the Macedonian tomb of Macridy Bey near Thessaloniki Published in Opus 1/2017. Quaderno di storia architettura restauro disegno


950 円 (税抜き)

The two-chambered tomb of Macridy Bey (late 4th-early 3rd c. B.C.), known to the scholarly community since the early 20th century, is the most important tomb in the necropolis of Derveni1, a narrow, strategicallyimportant passage connecting the head of the Thermaic Gulf with the plain of Langadas and the Koronia and Volvi lakes (fig. 1). The region with the passage and tombs2 belonged to the vital territory (chora) of ancient Lete3, one of the most important cities at north of Chalkidiki.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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region narrow Macridy belonged Koronia