Kaikei Ke Ram


Kaikei Ke Ram


185 円 (税抜き)

Kaikeyi sobbed and said... "Lord! But these fourteen years will leave a blot on Kaikeyi's life till the ages, won't anyone in this world take Kaikeyi's name with respect?... Lord Vishnu says ... "Goddess ! Great people don't worry about the world, today I give you this boon that when I incarnate in Dwapar Yuga, then I will be nurtured by you and then you will get such name, such respect, such prestige which will probably last for ages. For ages, even my mother-in-law will not get it and for ever and ever in that incarnation your name will be taken first in the name of my mother, in Dwapar you will be known as Yashoda and I will take my childhood in Krishna form with your love and love. I will spend in the shade of Vatsalya, so on behalf of all the deities I express my gratitude to you."... Saying this, Lord Vishnu becomes meditative. Kaikeyi wipes away her tears and prepares to receive Rama.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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sobbed Yashoda deities gratitude Kaikeyi