My Stroke Was Caused by my TSH Test Results


My Stroke Was Caused by my TSH Test Results


1,652 円 (税抜き)

Is your hypothyroidism undertreated? Are you aware that your thyroid controls your kidney function? My hypothyroidism is not very severe. But when I developed a magnesium deficiency, my TSH results became skewed, causing my doctor to cut my thyroid treatment in half. That caused me to suddenly develop poor kidney function, and that eventually led to arrhythmia issues, and a stroke. And I still had arrhythmia issues after the stroke. I had to convince my doctor to ignore my TSH results, and restore my thyroid hormone treatment, in order to stop the arrhythmias, and prevent the risk of additional strokes. Please don't let this happen to you, because of undertreated hypothyroidism. Learn what to look for, and how to educate your doctor, using published medical research to support your position.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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arrhythmias position prevent stroke support