Blood Thinners


Blood Thinners


806 円 (税抜き)

The only thing more annoying than a ghost flash mob is a rogue vampire attack... Supernatural investigator Mina Summers is only one undercover mission away from the promotion she’s worked for her entire career. Her assignment is simple: figure out why several unregistered vampires are going rogueーincluding one that ruined her best suitーand attacking humans. Her investigation leads her to Thinner, a new celebrity-endorsed weight loss company that’s shrouded in mystery and promises seemingly impossible results. Mina’s convinced she’ll finish her mission in time for dinner, but when she face-plants into Carma Nicks, Thinner’s smart and sexy vice president, Mina’s suddenly out of her depth. Surely her heart is only racing due to adrenaline, right? Falling forーand sleeping withーa mark goes 100% against protocol, but Mina’s plans to keep her distance are as flimsy as the agency-issued ghost that resides in her apartment. When Thinner’s secrets disrupt the peace between supernaturals and humansーand threaten Carma’s lifeーMina’s forced to choose between protecting her dream career or saving the woman she loves.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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entire suitーand threaten dinner -issued