That's Life... Or Is It? Reclaiming Time For Yourself- A Woman's Guide to Discovering Lasting Happiness and Fulfillment


That's Life... Or Is It? Reclaiming Time For Yourself- A Woman's Guide to Discovering Lasting Happiness and Fulfillment


641 円 (税抜き)

Do you feel overworked, overextended, and overwhelmed? Do you feel guilty and ashamed, thinking you are not good enough? Do you give so much to everyone else and so little to yourself? Remember, you have a story; beautiful, powerful and yours to unfold. You are the hero, not a supporting character. Your needs and desires matter. You matter! With the simple and practical techniques Angela offers in her book, That's Life...Or Is It? you will be able to reclaim your time and use it to reconnect with the story you have always dreamt of for yourself. Break free from the mindset that weighs you down and keeps you feeling depleted. Reconnect with yourself, your dreams, and your desires. Embrace them and be the person you always wanted to be. You got this!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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always matter thinking overwhelmed little