Life-Changing Affirmations 30 Days of Affirmations for Women to Reshape Your Past, Deconstruct Your Present, and Powerfully Alter Your Future


Life-Changing Affirmations 30 Days of Affirmations for Women to Reshape Your Past, Deconstruct Your Present, and Powerfully Alter Your Future


646 円 (税抜き)

Hello Ladies, This one is for us. For too long, we have been groomed and told what our lives should be. But to truly live the life we desire, we have to figure out what that means to us. The thing is, if we choose to take out the time to figure things out, life isn't going to pause and wait for us. And sometimes, by the time we reach a satisfactory conclusion, a huge part of our lives have gone by. So, what do we do? We flip the script and we do this using the most powerful weapon at our disposal...our words. The words you speak can and often will determine your experiences. Negative words are like bad seeds. Nothing good will come out of it. But if you choose your words with care, speak them with conviction and remain consistent, the elements needed for this beautiful script that is your life will become your new reality. This book guides you in your affirmations. It is your chance to reclaim your life, get a do-over and live your best ever!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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sometimes needed satisfactory reality >Hello