Have You Ever?


Have You Ever?


548 円 (税抜き)

Ethan and Abby invite you to come join the FUN! Ethan and Abby are average kids from diverse backgrounds but Ethan has learned a few things along the way and is excited to share them with Abby! This is a FUN, yet thought-provoking book that provides children with an entry level understanding of the power of God! The power of God that speaks to their minds and grows into their little hearts! The God-kind of power that will transform lives! Yes! Even at this early age! A child’s nature is to ‘believe’ and when seeds of faith are planted into the hearts of children, they grow up learning how to seek and live the life predestined by God! A life that is second-to-none with empowered confidence! You’ll smile as you watch your child respond to Ethan and Abby’s typical childhood experiences which will subtly build their precious character! What could be more important to us as parents than to find a delightfully entertaining way of teaching our children God’s principles?! Absolutely nothing! Please visit JoanneBieler.com to learn more! Thanks for reading!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BOOKS FOR KIDS
backgrounds hearts >Ethan respond second