Onomatopeias "los Animales"


Onomatopeias "los Animales"


386 円 (税抜き)

16 full color pictures ready to print in A4 format and to be ringed. Pictures: wolf, owl, monkey, sheep, little birds, dog, duck, cow, cat, horse, rooster. cricket, hen, toad, pig, bee. They were created based on the therapeutic needs of children with ASD and ADD, to be used by teachers of children with special needs, therapeutic companions, professionals in speech therapy, pediatrics, psychopedagogy and by parents. For a better use of the book, ask for the interactive video to work with the children. Inside the book you will find the instructions for ordering the learning reinforcement video. Information for parents: The onomatopoeias fulfill the function of capturing the child's attention and favoring the communicative intention, in addition to complementing the work of the therapists in the professional consultation.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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created format better speech function