The Safecracker's Secret


The Safecracker's Secret


680 円 (税抜き)

A tragic death, an old-time safecracker, and his young protege. By the time Gene Jacks gets called into a murder investigation by the Houston P.D., it's anyone's guess who's conning whom. When police summon?Jacks to the scene of a crime one steamy summer night, he knows the drill: he'll be asked to crack a safe left behind by a drug dealer, Mob embezzler, or worse. He doesn't expect to?waltz into a murder investigation. Especially when police target his young?protege as one of their chief suspects.? Can Gene protect the girl, who's become like a daughter to him, while there's still time?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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daughter called tragic protege become