Whose bright idea was this Story of a dive guide from Sharm El Sheikh happy to meet old diving friends. After presenting them with the perfect dive plan for the Red Sea something will let them say "Whose bright idea was this?"


Whose bright idea was this Story of a dive guide from Sharm El Sheikh happy to meet old diving friends. After presenting them with the perfect dive plan for the Red Sea something will let them say "Whose bright idea was this?"


733 円 (税抜き)

“Whose bright idea was this?” is the first-person story of a dive guide at Sharm El Sheikh. It describes in detail what happens when two old friends come to visit him and “force” him to do a night dive in the Red Sea in February ,during an already intense and perfectly planned week’s diving. What could possibly go wrong ... ?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Sheikh bright happens during possibly