When the Unthinkable Happens How to Lead Your Team and Pivot Your Business for Growth and Opportunity


When the Unthinkable Happens How to Lead Your Team and Pivot Your Business for Growth and Opportunity


1,134 円 (税抜き)

When the Unthinkable Happens is a fulsome business and leadership field guide, that is steeped in practical wisdom from Randy Dewey's 30-year career spanning 32 countries, leading over a dozen management teams, and accomplishing 10 turnarounds in businesses from many different sectors. ?The book is steeped in examples, real world stories of how to pivot a company. Whether you face cashflow challenges, or business strategy constraints, this book provides a practical process to get the foundation right, establish the pillars and lead your company through the immediate obstacles to growth and opportunity. Randy's LIFT methodology dissects with precision how any leader can lead with passion, inspire their people, focus on what makes lasting change, and how to transform obstacles into opportunity for growth and scale. It doesn't matter what your crisis is nor what obstacles you face this book will guide you through the immediate and help you strategically harness the future opportunities within your challenge. As the cover quote suggests "Very few people could write a book like this one?" because of the battlefield experiences and unique insights provided will steer you through the challenges and give you a path to growth and scale. Your immediate issues are temporal, it's about taking this challenge and pivoting the business for the future, and this book gives you a passageway that articulates beautifully using an interesting historical event in the fall of Constantinople.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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cashflow inspire obstacles matter challenges