The Speaker’s Quick Guide to Presenting with Confidence: Overcome Self-Doubt and Embrace the Power of Your Message


The Speaker’s Quick Guide to Presenting with Confidence: Overcome Self-Doubt and Embrace the Power of Your Message


341 円 (税抜き)

How do you respond when presented with an opportunityーor challengeーto speak in front of an audience? Do you recoil in horror? Or do you embrace the opportunity to be an agent of change? It seems a given that most people have a deep-seated fear of public speaking. But do they? Do you? Maybe it’s not fear. Maybe it’s a nagging worry that your story isn’t worth sharing. Maybe it’s concern about your promotion prospects when presenting to your boss. Or maybe’s it’s a healthy level of nervousness, like what performers embrace before going onstage. Whatever your gut response may be, this book can help you feel more confident in any speaking situation. You will learn how to ward off that little voice that says, “You are not worthy.” You will see how to shift your focus to your audience and away from yourself and your nerves. You will discover practical tips and techniques for making a positive impression and appearing confident and in controlーeven in emotionally loaded situations. Take control. Present with confidence!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BUSINESS & SELF-CULTURE
audience presenting making challengeーto respond