Bibi and Alfie: Bff - a Story of True Friendship


Bibi and Alfie: Bff - a Story of True Friendship


548 円 (税抜き)

BiBi and Alfie: BFF - A Story of True Friendship is based on a real friendship between BiBi, a Chinese Pug, and Alfie, a Maltese. It tells of their adventures from little pups through old age. The stories about BiBi and Alfie provide examples of how animals can bond deeply with each other just as they do with people and as people do with each other. The story of BiBi and Alfie helps to teach the universal principles of real friendship and deep love. BiBi and Alfie reveal their own personalities. Yet they do so many things together and show how they were so connected to each other on a more than physical plane. The adventures of BiBi and Alfie demonstrate how it is important to take special time with special friends and the animals and people in our lives. How it is important to nurture the relationship and be there for one another. It even addresses differences in families and animals and how deep bonds form in spite of differences…be they different identities in so many ways. And, lastly, the story of BiBi and Alfie helps children to understand that losing a dearly beloved pet or close friend is not the end. Because they lived… they gave us memories too beautiful to forget!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BOOKS FOR KIDS
together nurture Maltese demonstrate forget