The Crimes, Lies and Ruinous Policies of Donald Trump


The Crimes, Lies and Ruinous Policies of Donald Trump


450 円 (税抜き)

This book is not simply a retrospective of the Trump presidency. It is a warning; a dire warning. Trump is preparing to run again in 2024. His base is intact and he is maintaining a very vocal and physical presence in the media. HE IS A THREAT and HE CAN WIN AGAIN His actions and words are part of a carefully planned strategy to incite the disaffected, the dispossessed, the haters, the White supremacists, to start a movement that will lead to anarchy. Our lax behavior is the antithesis of what our forefathers said was the obligation of citizens: to keep track of the policy of our elected leaders. Donald's heroes are brutal dictators: Recep Erdogan of Turkey, Viktor Orban of Hungary, Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus, Vladimir Putin in Russia, Kim Jong-un of North Korea. Trump is a sadist. The definition of a sadist is one who enjoys the suffering of others. But a true sadist is one who needs to be the cause of the suffering, for that is the ultimate source of satisfaction for these men. You will only have yourselves to blame when you finally realize you are living in a dictatorship and all the rights and freedoms you once assumed were sacrosanct have been forever taken away. It is imperative for every concerned America to read this book and demand that any Trump supporter read it as well. For those who depend on Fox News, consider the words of their former commentator, Shepard Smith before he left his $15 million dollar job. "Facts matter. Truth matters." * * * Jeffry Weiss is a political scientist, activist and investigative journalist who has been researching Donald Trump from the time Donald was 6 years old and marched with his father at a KKK rally.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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definition consider brutal matter Shepard